'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 2851건

  1. 2011.04.14 Open Source embedded SSL/TLS cryptographic library




Source Code

Source repository

If you want to dive directly into the source, either go directly to the source browser website or access the subversion repository with:

    svn co http://polarssl.org/repos/polarssl/polarssl/trunk polarssl-trunk

Browsing the library source

Each cipher and hashing algorithm in PolarSSL (AES, MD5, SHA-1, etc.) is self-contained and can be easily reused as a standalone module.

Block and stream ciphers

Hash functions

Public-key cryptography

Cryptographic protocols

Random number generators


Browsing the example source

PolarSSL also comes with a set of example programs to show basic ways to use the library and perform standard operations and functionalities. These examples may help you get started with using PolarSSL:

Block and stream ciphers

Hash functions

Public-key cryptography

Cryptographic protocols


Posted by 공간사랑